Book Review: Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry

I vividly remember how captivated I was the first time I read Imani Perry’s writing. I picked up a copy of Breathe: A Letter to My Sons to read before she came to speak at our local book festival. I must have read the first page at least ten times because I couldn’t get enough of how she commanded language and ideas. I felt the same way while reading Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People, which is both a meditation on the significance of the color blue to Black life and culture and a journey through history. I’ve often wondered why we typically study various histories in isolation instead of zooming out to see a global perspective, and Perry’s book shows exactly why it’s much more interesting and beneficial to look at history holistically. I was fascinated by how often the color blue figured prominently in Black history from early indigo trading to Blues music. I can only imagine the meticulous research that went into a project like this, and how it must have felt to travel through so many stories of both joy and heartbreak. As Perry states, “There is no single Black essence. There is no fundamental way of being Black,” and she shows that using various shades and iterations of the color blue. 

To me, the importance of this book is captured in one of the final chapters, “Seeing the Seventh Son,” where Perry writes about the importance of haunting the past: “We haunt the past to refuse to let it lie comfortably as it was. We give back to them [the ancestors] in return for the inheritances they have bestowed upon us.” As I continue to see teaching history and literature under attack and stories of marginalized groups banned or otherwise silenced, haunting the past is increasingly important for us all. Black in Blues shows the importance of beauty, art, music, and joy in the face of oppression, because that is how humanity survives. Perry writes that her goal was to “attend to what these artists teach, in sound and color, about the human condition,” and she does just that. She goes on to write that “[c]onjurers survive conquerors.” Though it is painful and disheartening, the current political climate in the United States is not new or unique. Black in Blues tells a story of Blackness through its link to the color blue that highlights both hope and pain and details a complex history that is vital to understanding the world today.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins/Ecco for the ARC.

2024 (Reading) Year in Review

2024 was hard. Extremely hard. I don’t want another year like that, and I know I need to be proactive so 2025 is better. I’ve learned that life can be extremely unpredictable and unforgiving, and I’m looking back over this year to fortify myself for what’s to come. One thing that’s clear is that I can’t lose sight of myself and I can’t fail to maintain my boundaries and prioritize my health. I need to center what brings me joy, and I can’t allow my healthy routines to fall apart. 

I spent the first half of 2024 in survival mode, and when things changed for the better and the stress I was under lifted, it was as though I had forgotten how to be. I tried to get back on track, but I kept getting derailed. Some of it had to do with politics and the state of the world, but some of it was because I was taking on too much and not giving myself space to breathe.

In terms of my reading goals, I lost sight of what had been bringing me joy. I had to laugh when I looked back at my goal for 2024: 

“In general, my goal for 2024 is to do what I want, so I’ll be focusing on reading what I want. Obviously, I bought all these books because I wanted to read them, so I will make what’s on my shelves my top priority. I also want to write more, so I plan to read more critically and deliberately if it’s a book I want to review. I have no desire to push myself to read more books in 2024. I just want to read well.”

This is not where I ended up. My shelf project only lasted through July, and I started to care more about the reading challenges and meeting my 200 book goal than focusing on what I really wanted to read. I started reading short books and listening to audiobooks, so it’s not surprising that my page count is the lowest it has been in five years. I was consuming rather than enjoying. The only thing I stuck to was writing more reviews. 

I vow that in 2025, anything that gets in the way of my healthy routines and anything that turns something I love into a chore, has to go. Here’s what this means for my reading life.

  • I started using different apps to see which would best fit my needs, and I’ve realized that I do not like tracking daily reading. I just want to log when I start and finish a book. No more logging every minute or page I read because I don’t care about my daily stats. I’ll make exceptions for challenges with clear incentives (like the ones through my library), but I’m not doing it all the time. It’s a chore.
  • I don’t like the social aspect of some apps. I’ll share the books that are worth sharing, but I don’t need to broadcast every book I read. For this (among other reasons), I’m abandoning Goodreads in favor of StoryGraph where I can keep my profile private. Plus, StoryGraph has come so far over the past year and is better in every way (and not owned by a billionaire).
  • I need to stop thinking of current reading goals as a competition with my past self. As long as I’m enjoying my reading journey, who cares if I read more than last year? I need to focus on quality and joy. I’m setting my goal at 100 books to take the pressure off.
  • I don’t need to complete every reading challenge. My plan is to read and then go through the challenge prompts to see where the book fits and use the prompts for writing and reflection. I’m not going to plan my reading to fulfill challenges, because then it feels like a chore.
  • I’m resuming my bookshelf challenge. It was fun and I miss doing it.
  • To encourage myself to read slowly and deliberately, I’ve selected some intimidating texts and I’m going to read a chapter a day. (I’ll write a separate post about this later.)
  • Keep requesting ARCs and writing reviews. I’ve been getting some pretty exciting books to review, and it brings me so much joy.

Ultimately, I enjoy reading most when I’m being intellectually challenged and don’t feel a lot of pressure. In 2025 I’m going to treat reading as a private journey through nerd land, and if I find something that really excites me, I’ll be sure to tell everyone about it.

Yes, 2024 was chaotic, but I read some amazing books. Here are my favorites.

Book Review: Stag Dance: A Novel & Stories by Torrey Peters

I eagerly requested an ARC of Stag Dance because of how much I loved Detransition, Baby. As I usually do with books I intend to review, I purposefully avoided reading anything about it. In this case, knowing nothing forced me to think very critically, because from the very beginning it was clear that this was not what I had expected (in a good way), and that what I was reading was a showcase of skilled and powerful writing. At first, the novel and stories in Stag Dance may not seem to have much in common as they are each a completely different genre: dystopian speculative fiction, romance(?), horror, and western. From a writing standpoint, I was impressed by how Peters was able to own each genre and give a distinct voice to each narrator while grappling with complex conflicts and themes. 

What connects these seemingly disparate stories is an exploration of identity and what happens when people, for various reasons, are unable to fully express who they are meant to be. Not to mention how damaging it is when one cannot find love and acceptance. There’s also an underlying question of what it would look like to reimagine society so that people could live without hiding who they are and how liberating that would be for everyone. This is an extremely important question to consider as the trans community is increasingly under attack. What is the cost if we allow this? What will happen if we don’t stand in solidarity with the trans community and refuse to allow them to be dehumanized and denied human rights? How can so many people forget or ignore that dehumanization and silence and inaction have never ended up being on the right side of history?

Peters notes in the acknowledgements that these “were the stories I wrote to puzzle out, through genre, the inconvenient aspects of my neverending transition–otherwise known as ongoing trans life–aspects that didn’t seem to accord with slogans, ‘good’ politics, or the currently available language.” This makes me think of how real people are messy and no one fits perfectly into the socially constructed labels we’re expected to apply to ourselves. Yes, Stag Dance is excellent from a literary standpoint, but it also pushes readers to consider trans identity and how there’s no single way to define it (or any aspect of identity for that matter). There’s no universal experience, and I value Peters’s writing because, as many studies have shown, reading builds empathy. Stories like these may speak to those trying to understand trans identity and encourage more people to share their own truths. 

Stag Dance: A Novel & Stories by Torrey Peters will be published on March 11, 2025. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the ARC.

Book Review: Forest of Noise by Mosab Abu Toha

I’ve taught high school English for nearly twenty-five years, so I know how well reading fiction builds empathy. I’ve used studies to spark discussion and reflection among my students, and I’ve seen the power of certain texts to move them toward a deeper understanding of what those with whom they don’t have much in common endure. For me, however, poetry has been more powerful than fiction, especially when it comes to understanding what Palestinians have been enduring for decades. Forest of Noise, Mosab Abu Toha’s second collection of poetry, depicts what life is like for the people of Gaza clearly and poetically, drawing readers into the devastation they have been experiencing. While reading these poems, it’s hard not to question many of the narratives readers in the West may have encountered. Moving toward peace requires understanding, empathy, and compassion. These poems powerfully, and at times heartbreakingly, encourage readers to see a more vivid picture of what is happening in the daily lives of those living in Gaza and are a vital contribution to understanding the situation that continues to unfold. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf for the ARC.

Book Review: You Just Wait: A Poetry Friday Power Book by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong

I know better than to assume that because I teach mostly seniors, a book aimed at middle school won’t be helpful to me. While I might not use all of the poems included in this book, I’ll definitely be able to modify and use the activities and writing exercises when I’m teaching poetry. The authors also include resources, including places to find poetry to use in the classroom and places students can publish their work. This book would be perfect if you teach upper elementary or middle school, but high school teachers would find value in it as well.

Book Review: Reimagining Writing Assessment: From Scales to Stories by Maja Wilson

One of my goals has been to move to a gradeless, process driven approach to assessment. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions and plans, unexpected challenges and barriers have forced me to pull back and return to a more traditional approach, which has been extremely frustrating. Even more disappointing has been that my students were always intrigued by the shift when I explained to them how grades would be determined. There was skepticism, but I framed it as an experiment and a process that we’d be working to refine along the way. I’m hoping that I’m able to make it work this year, since I know what kept me from success last year and those barriers either won’t exist this year or won’t surprise me when they pop up. Looking back, I realize I was doing too much and I should have started small. This year, I’ll be focusing on going gradeless with writing and Reimagining Writing Assessment: From Scales to Stories by Maja Wilson will help me on this journey. 

I’ve always been uncomfortable with rubrics because they are so confining and rarely capture a writer’s strengths and areas for growth accurately. Plus, they limit creativity and get in the way of risk taking. Reimagining Writing Assessment builds on Wilson’s earlier work in Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessment (which I own, but have not read) and encourages writing teachers to move away from rubrics and other standardized forms of writing assessment and let the story of a writer’s process unfold. Wilson provides research, tools, and narratives of how this has worked in her own practice and it’s clear that so much of the push to make writing assessment faster and easier for teachers, dehumanizes the process and fails to serve student writers. Feedback is important but when feedback consists of boxes checked on a rubric or canned comments from a curated bank, how is that helpful for students? How often do they use that feedback to grow as a writer? Listening to students, allowing time for reflection, and providing meaningful feedback through conferencing builds stronger relationships and leads to “growth in the right direction.” I loved how Wilson framed reading a student’s work as reading for the experience instead of reading to assess: “[W]hen an expert adopts a beginner’s mind and tells the story of her experience, the result is to open up experience rather than close it down. It also makes the process of evaluation more transparent. . . . If we tell the story of our experience of reading, then students are more likely to form useful understandings about how writing and reading work” (pg. 97). I will be thinking about this and revisiting Reimagining Writing Assessment often as I plan my first writing units and how I will approach teaching writing over the next few weeks.

Shelf #24 Complete, On to Shelf #25

I was a little disappointed in Trapeze. Maybe I should hold off judgment and just read the sequel, since the ending is what I had a problem with, and the reviews for that are better. While I enjoy Mawer’s writing, I thought the main character, Marian, was a little flat and I found myself asking what Mawer was getting at with some of her decisions. Considering that Mawer wrote one of my favorite books ever (The Fall), I may be holding him to a ridiculously high standard.

Moving on to shelf #25!

Arthur Miller. I had him up on a pedestal until I learned more about his personal life and how he treated his son Daniel. I used to teach The Crucible, and I used Miller as an example to discuss the idea of separating the art from the artist, which I have a hard time doing. When I find out an author has done reprehensible things or made dehumanizing comments, I’m unable to put that out of mind as I’m reading, and I’ll often remove the books from my shelves so I’m not forced to think about how disappointed and/or angry I am. I’m faced with this again since one of my favorite authors has been accused of sexual assault. I take comfort in that there are so many other authors out there, and if I have to move on, I have options. It’s a lot to process.

That said, I’ll probably read The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monáe or something by Toni Morrison, even though that will put me closer to reading everything she’s written. 

Books I’ve read:

  • Arthur Miller After the Fall
  • Arthur Miller All My Sons
  • Arthur Miller The Crucible
  • Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman
  • Arthur Miller On Politics and the Art of Acting
  • Sue Miller Inventing the Abbots and Other Stories
  • Sue Miller The Distinguished Guest
  • Sue Miller For Love
  • Sue Miller While I Was Gone
  • Dantiel W. Moniz Milk Blood Heat
  • Toni Morrison Beloved
  • Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye
  • Toni Morrison A Mercy
  • Toni Morrison Song of Solomon
  • Toni Morrison Tar Baby
  • Toni Morrison The Source of Self-Regard

Book Review: Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity

My second summer PD book was Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity by Dr. Erica Buchanan-Rivera, which made me think critically about my classroom space. While I generally receive positive feedback from students about my classroom environment and teaching, I know there are areas where I can improve and challenges I need to overcome that may not be obvious to my students. What I learned while reading this book will help me in many ways. Dr. Buchanan-Rivera provides extensive background information on why identity affirming spaces are important and she includes concrete methods for developing them. I was especially grateful for more resources to refine and improve the materials I use when discussing identity with my students and elements to take into account when organizing my classroom’s physical space. 

I wonder if some of the issues I had with classroom discussion and student engagement could stem from the physical arrangement of my room. I need to figure out creative ways to incorporate conferencing with students and carve out time for community building. This book reminded me how important those things are. My biggest barrier is the combination of large classes and forty minute class periods. When I had smaller classes, conferences and community building were much easier, but I can’t allow them to fall by the wayside just because I sometimes have almost thirty students in my room. 

This is another text I would highly recommend to any teacher regardless of the subject or grade level. We all need to design spaces where students feel valued and safe, and Dr. Buchanan-Rivera addresses every element we need to consider including physical space, classroom materials, and ensuring students feel safe, valued, and supported.

Shelf #19 Complete, On to Shelf #20

I read the majority of the stories in Sinking Bell in one night. They were excellent, but I probably should have taken more time to think and process them, especially since the endings of the stories were ambiguous. I was too immersed in Bojan Louis’s writing, and I didn’t feel like slowing down. What stood out to me was how distinct each story and character was. Yes, the style of writing in each story was similarly captivating, and there were common threads running through the collection, but each character had a clear persona and voice. I’ve read a couple books recently where the authors didn’t do the best job of making characters not seem like nearly the same person, which is why this stood out to me the most. It didn’t surprise me to learn that Louis teaches creative writing. 

Now for shelf #20!

Ah, Cormac McCarthy. A student just finished reading Blood Meridian, and I told her to read No Country for Old Men so we can discuss The Judge, Anton Chigurh, and what it means to be evil. She thought that was a great idea. Yes, you should probably worry about us. That said, the only book by McCarthy I have not read is Cities of the Plain, the third book in the Border Trilogy, and since I didn’t love the first two, I will not be reading that now. Instead, I have decided to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I’m halfway through, and it’s good, so far. I’ll save my thoughts for when I finish the book, because I’m sure I’ll have plenty.

Books I’ve Read:

  • James McBride Deacon King Kong
  • Cormac McCarthy All the Pretty Horses
  • Cormac McCarthy Blood Meridian
  • Cormac McCarthy The Crossing
  • Cormac McCarthy No Country for Old Men
  • Cormac McCarthy The Road
  • Larry McMurtry The Last Picture Show
  • Mary McGarry Morris A Dangerous Woman

March Reads

I read more books in March than I did in February, but these are the ones worth sharing. I read a bunch of picture books and Little Golden Books while shopping for my nephew’s 6th birthday present, but I’m only sharing the two picture books I bought him. I also read some problematic romance novels, that I refuse to share because they have over four stars on both Goodreads and Amazon, and I don’t want to have to argue with people.

I can’t really pick a favorite for the month because I loved all of the books I read for different reasons, and I won’t be surprised if all of them make my list of year-end favorites.

I predict that my reading will pick up in April once I get the end of the school year mapped out and the dust settles from the end of the third marking period!