I was a brat and read The Thanksgiving Visitor by Truman Capote last night. To be fair, I love Capote’s writing and vividly remember my first encounters with his works. I had to read Other Voices, Other Rooms my senior year in AP English, and I still remember how the writing made me feel even though I can’t recall exactly what happens in the text. I also vividly remember my teacher judging me because I refused to take a copy with the ugly cover. I told him I wouldn’t read it if he didn’t give me the pretty one. He obliged because he was amazing. He’s also the reason I became an English teacher, mostly because of the books he had us read. Life changing! The Thanksgiving Visitor evoked that feeling again, and I was transported back to those moments.

I should also add that this is a first edition that was discarded from my school’s library. Lower Paxton Junior High School no longer exists, and I’m not finding much about the history of my school district aside from that it was formed in 1954. I’ll have to do some more digging, because this has me curious about the history of my district. I know some people I can ask.
Now for shelf #9!

This shelf has a lot of unread books I could be in the mood for right now. I refuse to read Imaginary Friend because it’s scary. I only bought it because I was at a book signing, and Stephen Chbosky himself said that it wasn’t that bad. People who’ve read it and know me well have warned me not to read it. I’m a big baby and have a hard time with horror, so I’ll just cherish my autographed copy and my dorky picture!

I’ll probably spend the next hour (or three) reading the backs of the books I haven’t read and looking up reviews online. I need to pick something I can finish by the end of the year.
Books I’ve read:
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- Little Bee by Chris Cleave
- Adultery by Paulo Coelho
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
- Aleph by Paulo Coelho
- Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho
- The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Glitter and Glue by Kelly Corrigan
- A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali by Gil Courtemanche
- Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham
- The Hours by Michael Cunningham
- Specimen Days by Michael Cunningham
- Trust by Hernan Diaz