The end of November was extremely busy, so I didn’t have time to write a Nonfiction November recap. Because of stress and reading two books with over 500 pages, November wasn’t my best month for reading in terms of total books read (only ten). I was, however, able to read six works of nonfiction including my choice from bookshelf #5, Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin.

For the past few days, I’ve been trying to figure out how to articulate my feelings for James Baldwin. There’s just something about the way he writes that I love so much. Plus, I feel like my brain gets a good workout every time I read his work. He holds nothing back, and his ideas and critiques of America are still relevant and necessary.
Now for shelf #6!

On this shelf I’ve read all of the Nick Bantock books, and Waiting for Godot.
For some reason I’m being drawn to A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt. For a long time, I was fascinated by Tudor England, and I immersed myself in books about Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. When I visited the Tower of London, I stood where Anne Boleyn was beheaded and it was quite surreal. I enjoyed watching The Tudors on HBO, and one of my favorite characters was Sir Thomas More. I’ve only read one play this year, so this will be good for me.
I need to keep reading and finish this year strong!