
Book Review: Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People by Imani Perry

I vividly remember how captivated I was the first time I read Imani Perry’s writing. I picked up a copy of Breathe: A Letter to My Sons to read before she came to speak at our local book festival. I must have read the first page at least ten times because I couldn’t get enough […]

Chapter a Day Slow Read Challenge

Inspired by a conversation among brilliant educators I follow on BlueSky, I decided to use a “chapter a day” strategy to read books that are long, challenging, or intimidating to me. I went through my bookshelves and selected books and authors that I want to read, but haven’t for the above reasons. Here are my […]

Book Review: You Just Wait: A Poetry Friday Power Book by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong

I know better than to assume that because I teach mostly seniors, a book aimed at middle school won’t be helpful to me. While I might not use all of the poems included in this book, I’ll definitely be able to modify and use the activities and writing exercises when I’m teaching poetry. The authors […]

Book Review: Reimagining Writing Assessment: From Scales to Stories by Maja Wilson

One of my goals has been to move to a gradeless, process driven approach to assessment. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions and plans, unexpected challenges and barriers have forced me to pull back and return to a more traditional approach, which has been extremely frustrating. Even more disappointing has been that my students were always […]

Book Review: The Norton Guide to AP Literature: Writing & Skills by Susan G. Barber and Melissa Alter Smith

I don’t teach AP, but I wanted to read this because some of my juniors choose to take AP, and I want to make sure I’m getting them ready. I also know that the authors are pretty amazing, and I figured reading this would be extremely helpful for the classes I’m currently teaching. I was […]

Book Review: Becoming an Everyday Changemaker: Healing and Justice at School

I’m so grateful for the work Alex Shevrin Venet has done and the positive impact it has had on my teaching and my life. I read and loved Equity Centered Trauma Informed Instruction, and was fortunate to be part of her Nurturing the Nurturers online space. I’m extremely aware of how trauma impacts how I […]

Book Review: Letting Go of Literary Whiteness: Antiracist Literature Instruction for White Students

Discussions of race and racism can be unpredictable and difficult to navigate, but that doesn’t mean that we can shy away from them or shut them down. Letting Go of Literary Whiteness: Antiracist Literature Instruction for White Students by Carlin Borsheim-Black and Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides addresses the fears and concerns teachers may have and provides […]

Book Review: Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity

My second summer PD book was Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity by Dr. Erica Buchanan-Rivera, which made me think critically about my classroom space. While I generally receive positive feedback from students about my classroom environment and teaching, I know there are areas where I can improve and challenges I need to overcome […]

Book Review: Literacy for All: A Framework for Anti-Oppressive Teaching

My mind works best in the early morning, so an important part of my summer routine is morning reading, planning, and writing. I usually start off by reading a chapter in a professional development text and then think about what I can incorporate into my plans for the next year. Sometimes this leads to bursts […]

Book Review: Verified by Mike Caulfield & Sam Wineburg

Today, I finished reading Verified: How to Think Straight, Get Duped Less, and Make Better Decisions about What to Believe Online by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg for Nonfiction November’s “Web” prompt. I consider myself a very savvy person when it comes to navigating information online. I’ve been teaching high school English for almost 24 years, […]