2024 (Reading) Year in Review

2024 was hard. Extremely hard. I don’t want another year like that, and I know I need to be proactive so 2025 is better. I’ve learned that life can be extremely unpredictable and unforgiving, and I’m looking back over this year to fortify myself for what’s to come. One thing that’s clear is that I can’t lose sight of myself and I can’t fail to maintain my boundaries and prioritize my health. I need to center what brings me joy, and I can’t allow my healthy routines to fall apart. 

I spent the first half of 2024 in survival mode, and when things changed for the better and the stress I was under lifted, it was as though I had forgotten how to be. I tried to get back on track, but I kept getting derailed. Some of it had to do with politics and the state of the world, but some of it was because I was taking on too much and not giving myself space to breathe.

In terms of my reading goals, I lost sight of what had been bringing me joy. I had to laugh when I looked back at my goal for 2024: 

“In general, my goal for 2024 is to do what I want, so I’ll be focusing on reading what I want. Obviously, I bought all these books because I wanted to read them, so I will make what’s on my shelves my top priority. I also want to write more, so I plan to read more critically and deliberately if it’s a book I want to review. I have no desire to push myself to read more books in 2024. I just want to read well.”

This is not where I ended up. My shelf project only lasted through July, and I started to care more about the reading challenges and meeting my 200 book goal than focusing on what I really wanted to read. I started reading short books and listening to audiobooks, so it’s not surprising that my page count is the lowest it has been in five years. I was consuming rather than enjoying. The only thing I stuck to was writing more reviews. 

I vow that in 2025, anything that gets in the way of my healthy routines and anything that turns something I love into a chore, has to go. Here’s what this means for my reading life.

  • I started using different apps to see which would best fit my needs, and I’ve realized that I do not like tracking daily reading. I just want to log when I start and finish a book. No more logging every minute or page I read because I don’t care about my daily stats. I’ll make exceptions for challenges with clear incentives (like the ones through my library), but I’m not doing it all the time. It’s a chore.
  • I don’t like the social aspect of some apps. I’ll share the books that are worth sharing, but I don’t need to broadcast every book I read. For this (among other reasons), I’m abandoning Goodreads in favor of StoryGraph where I can keep my profile private. Plus, StoryGraph has come so far over the past year and is better in every way (and not owned by a billionaire).
  • I need to stop thinking of current reading goals as a competition with my past self. As long as I’m enjoying my reading journey, who cares if I read more than last year? I need to focus on quality and joy. I’m setting my goal at 100 books to take the pressure off.
  • I don’t need to complete every reading challenge. My plan is to read and then go through the challenge prompts to see where the book fits and use the prompts for writing and reflection. I’m not going to plan my reading to fulfill challenges, because then it feels like a chore.
  • I’m resuming my bookshelf challenge. It was fun and I miss doing it.
  • To encourage myself to read slowly and deliberately, I’ve selected some intimidating texts and I’m going to read a chapter a day. (I’ll write a separate post about this later.)
  • Keep requesting ARCs and writing reviews. I’ve been getting some pretty exciting books to review, and it brings me so much joy.

Ultimately, I enjoy reading most when I’m being intellectually challenged and don’t feel a lot of pressure. In 2025 I’m going to treat reading as a private journey through nerd land, and if I find something that really excites me, I’ll be sure to tell everyone about it.

Yes, 2024 was chaotic, but I read some amazing books. Here are my favorites.

Shelf #19 Complete, On to Shelf #20

I read the majority of the stories in Sinking Bell in one night. They were excellent, but I probably should have taken more time to think and process them, especially since the endings of the stories were ambiguous. I was too immersed in Bojan Louis’s writing, and I didn’t feel like slowing down. What stood out to me was how distinct each story and character was. Yes, the style of writing in each story was similarly captivating, and there were common threads running through the collection, but each character had a clear persona and voice. I’ve read a couple books recently where the authors didn’t do the best job of making characters not seem like nearly the same person, which is why this stood out to me the most. It didn’t surprise me to learn that Louis teaches creative writing. 

Now for shelf #20!

Ah, Cormac McCarthy. A student just finished reading Blood Meridian, and I told her to read No Country for Old Men so we can discuss The Judge, Anton Chigurh, and what it means to be evil. She thought that was a great idea. Yes, you should probably worry about us. That said, the only book by McCarthy I have not read is Cities of the Plain, the third book in the Border Trilogy, and since I didn’t love the first two, I will not be reading that now. Instead, I have decided to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I’m halfway through, and it’s good, so far. I’ll save my thoughts for when I finish the book, because I’m sure I’ll have plenty.

Books I’ve Read:

  • James McBride Deacon King Kong
  • Cormac McCarthy All the Pretty Horses
  • Cormac McCarthy Blood Meridian
  • Cormac McCarthy The Crossing
  • Cormac McCarthy No Country for Old Men
  • Cormac McCarthy The Road
  • Larry McMurtry The Last Picture Show
  • Mary McGarry Morris A Dangerous Woman

Shelf #6 Complete, On to Shelf #7

A Man for All Seasons was good. I read it quickly and was nostalgic for my obsession with the Tudors. I had no time to indulge or even start my next book, however, because life and work became ridiculously overwhelming. Today was the first day of winter break, and I finally had time to slow down.

On to shelf #7

I had a lot of options on this shelf, and I was drawn to March by Geraldine Brooks. I probably should have done a little more research on it before starting, because it’s a retelling of Little Women from Mr. March’s perspective, and I have not read Little Women. Oops! I know the story well enough, so it hasn’t been a problem. I’ll write more once I finish it.

I’m lucky I picked March because I’m planning next year’s reading challenges, and many of the books I haven’t read on this shelf fit various categories.

Books I’ve read:

  • Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
  • Witness by Jamal Brinkley
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
  • Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh
  • The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
  • The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs
  • Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
  • This Is the How by Augusten Burroughs
  • Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
  • Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler
  • Possession by A. S. Byatt

Shelf #5 Complete, On to Shelf #6

The end of November was extremely busy, so I didn’t have time to write a Nonfiction November recap. Because of stress and reading two books with over 500 pages, November wasn’t my best month for reading in terms of total books read (only ten). I was, however, able to read six works of nonfiction including my choice from bookshelf #5, Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin.

For the past few days, I’ve been trying to figure out how to articulate my feelings for James Baldwin. There’s just something about the way he writes that I love so much. Plus, I feel like my brain gets a good workout every time I read his work. He holds nothing back, and his ideas and critiques of America are still relevant and necessary. 

Now for shelf #6!

On this shelf I’ve read all of the Nick Bantock books, and Waiting for Godot.

For some reason I’m being drawn to A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt. For a long time, I was fascinated by Tudor England, and I immersed myself in books about Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. When I visited the Tower of London, I stood where Anne Boleyn was beheaded and it was quite surreal. I enjoyed watching The Tudors on HBO, and one of my favorite characters was Sir Thomas More. I’ve only read one play this year, so this will be good for me.

I need to keep reading and finish this year strong!

Nonfiction November Photo Prompt: Dedication

For some reason, the first thing that came to mind when I saw today’s photo challenge prompt was how much I value the autographed copies of my books, especially those with the dedication, “To Michelle.” Here are the stories behind the encounters with some of my favorite authors.

I had the opportunity to meet Sir Ken Robinson at an extremely difficult time in my life. He was the keynote speaker at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference and Expo (PETE&C), and I would have backed out if I didn’t want to hear him speak so badly. When it was my turn at the autograph table, I thanked him for his work and told him that my students always love his TED Talk, “Schools Kill Creativity.” He treated me like the most important person he’d ever met, had me sit beside him, and picked my brain about how I was using his work in my classes. It was a moment I’ll never forget, and it was exactly what I needed to bring me out of the funk I had been in.

In 2019, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi spoke at the Harrisburg Book Festival, so of course, I HAD to be there. He was speaking with Dr. Imani Perry, whom I had never heard of. I purchased a copy of Breathe: A Letter to My Sons, to familiarize myself with her work, and I was mesmerized by the brilliance of her writing. On the day of their talk, I was set on making myself look like the biggest dork in the world. On my way into The Midtown Scholar, I walked in front of a car and almost got myself run over. I was mortified when Dr. Kendi got out. He was very nice and held the door open for me, so I guess he wasn’t judging me too harshly! Then, when I was in the signing line, I was fangirling over Dr. Perry’s writing. Dr. Kendi laughed and told me that he felt the same way the first time he read her work. They were both so gracious and wonderful to talk to.

Dan Pink and Guy Kawasaki were also keynote speakers at PETE&C. I don’t have a funny story about Dan Pink, because I didn’t have a lot of time to interact with him. Guy Kawasaki was Apple’s Chief Evangelist, and I was trying to hide all my Windows devices from him during the smaller breakout discussion after his keynote. I remember joking with him about the Borg and Star Trek, which led to what he wrote on the cover of his book.

Another highlight of my life was getting to have lunch with an astronaut at Kennedy Space Center. As soon as I told Tom Jones I was a teacher, he treated me like a total rockstar. I kept thinking, “YOU’VE BEEN TO SPACE FOUR TIMES!!!” as we were talking.

It has been a long time since I’ve had the opportunity to see an author speak and then meet them. I need to work on that.  As much as I appreciate interacting with authors on Zoom, I’d love to have more in person experiences. That may be a good reading goal for 2024! 

Book #2 Complete, On to Shelves #3 & #4

Something to Declare is a collection of essays that are responses to questions Alvarez has been asked by readers over the years. She addresses her family’s involvement in the attempted overthrow of Trujillo, balancing being both Dominican and American, the writing of many of her novels, and her journey as a woman and writer. I always love reading Alvarez’s work, so this was fascinating and inspiring for me. I have been collecting writing advice for myself and my students, and I marked many passages as I was reading. In one case, Alvarez challenges what I was told by a favorite professor who always told us to write what we know. For Alvarez, writing is an exploration of what we don’t know and a way of figuring out what we need to know. She also acknowledges that our lives will always show up in our writing and that writers should never censor themselves out of fear of how those close to them will react. 

“One of my theories, which may sound defensive and self-serving, is that there is no such thing as straight-up fiction. There are just levels of distance from our own life experience, the thing that drives us to write in the first place. In spite of our caution and precaution, bits of our lives will get into what we write. . . . I think that if you start censoring yourself as a novelist–this is out of bounds, that is sacrosanct–you will never write anything. My advice is to write it out, and then decide, by whatever process seems fair to you–three-o’clock-in-the-morning insomniac angst sessions with your soul, or a phone call with your best friend, or a long talk with your sister–what you’re going to do about it.”

What holds me back is worry over how those close to me will react. Reading Something to Declare has given me a bit more courage. I can write. I need to write, but what I do with what I’ve written is entirely up to me. I’m under no obligation to share everything, but if I keep all my ideas inside because of fear, I’ll never know what kind of writer I could be.

I highly recommend this for anyone who is or wants to be a writer or is a teacher of writing. 

And now for more bookshelves!

I can skip shelf #3 because I’ve read everything on it. Margaret Atwood has always been among my favorite authors, so no one who knows me should be shocked by this.

Selecting a book from shelf #4 is easy because I don’t have much to choose from. I’m going to read The Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican Revolution by Mariano Azuela because I need a break from nonfiction, and the only other book on this shelf I haven’t read is Margaret Atwood: The Essential Guide. I know very little about the Mexican revolution, and from what I’ve read, The Underdogs is required reading in Mexican schools. I’m looking forward to getting started.

Book Review: Winter Harvest by Ioanna Papadopoulou

Winter Harvest is the story of Demeter, from her birth and entrapment in her father’s stomach to the loss of her daughter, Kore (Persephone), and her attempts to find her. Papadopoulou’s writing is compelling and I was immediately drawn into the story, mostly due to Demeter’s first person narration. The characterization of Demeter and how she navigates relationships, especially with Zeus and Hera captures the petty nature of the Greek Gods so well. Papadopoulou deftly navigates the distinction between god and human, and simultaneously had me rooting for Demeter and wondering why she doesn’t see that she’s being her own worst enemy. She’s so desperate to prove that she’s not like her brothers or their sons, and yet she often mirrors their behaviors.

What I focused on most while reading, was wondering why Demeter never considers what Kore (Persephone) wants. She treats Kore like an extension of herself, always referring to her as “my girl.” In a way, Demeter is like her father by keeping her child completely under her control. I found myself wondering if the story would have turned out differently had Demeter given Kore more autonomy. The way Papadopoulou treats this part of the story brings up so many interesting things to consider regarding parent/child relationships. Not to mention the treatment of women in general. 

My only criticism is due to some of the writing and/or editing at the beginning. Some of the word choices seemed a bit too 21st Century, and I had to reread some passages for clarity. This didn’t take too much away from my enjoyment of the book.

Overall, I enjoyed this book very much and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of retellings of Greek myths! It will be published on November 21, 2023.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing a copy to review!

Book #1 Complete, On to Bookshelf #2

The Education of a British-Protected Child: Essays by Chinua Achebe was a good choice. It was riveting, and I didn’t want to put it down. What I learned from reading it will be so valuable when I teach literary theory and Achebe’s writing this year. I’m really starting to question why we often compartmentalize authors regionally (especially where I teach), because Achebe had some fascinating essays that referenced time he spent with James Baldwin and his thoughts on some of Baldwin’s ideas. I’d love to explore themes and issues in a more global context.

Now on to the next shelf!

Once again, my choices are limited since I’ve read most of these books. My options are Something to Declare by Julia Alvarez, Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, The Anaya Reader, and Deep Rivers by José María Arguedas. I’m going to play it safe and read Something to Declare because it’s a collection of essays. I haven’t had a lot of time for reading, and reading a few pages here and there of a novel is never a good idea for me. I forget so much when I can’t read large chunks. It’s unfortunate because I’ve read many of Julia Alvarez’s books, but I’ve never read Anaya, and Something to Declare looks fascinating. I’m reading about José María Arguedas as I’m writing this and trying not to talk myself out of my decision. I’ll come back to it as soon as I have time!  

Books I’ve read:

  • Julia Alvarez In the Time of the Butterflies
  • Laurie Halse Anderson Speak
  • Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  • Margaret Atwood The Edible Woman
  • Margaret Atwood Dancing Girls
  • Margaret Atwood Surfacing
  • Margaret Atwood Life Before Man
  • Margaret Atwood Bluebeard’s Egg
  • Margaret Atwood The Handmaid’s Tale
  • Margaret Atwood The Testaments

Bookshelf #1

I’m ready to tackle my first shelf, which poses a bit of a problem. The only books I haven’t read are ones I’m not exactly in the mood for, because they are all very serious and/or depressing. I thought about going out of order, but that would probably be too difficult to keep track of. I’m going to read The Education of a British-Protected Child: Essays by Chinua Achebe, because it will be valuable, and I know I’ll learn from it. I teach Things Fall Apart and some of his short stories, so I’ll be able to use parts of it in my lessons. I’m not even sure this book belongs on this shelf. It’s a collection of essays, but it’s kind of a memoir, and I included memoir with fiction for some reason. I’ll probably rearrange at some point.

Books on this shelf I’ve read:
Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah Chain-Gang All Stars
Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah Friday Black
Dante Alighieri Inferno
Alaa Al Aswany The Yacoubian Building
Isabel Allende The House of the Spirits
Isabel Allende Portrait in Sepia
Isabel Allende Zorro
Julia Alvarez How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

Farewell, Book Clubs; Hello, Bookshelves

For the past few years, I’ve been joining book clubs and participating in Twitter bookchats to help me diversify my reading. The upside is that I’ve discovered new authors, kept up with new releases, and developed friendships with other readers. The downside is that the unread books on my bookshelves have been largely ignored. For a number of reasons, I’m down to one active book club, and instead of finding more to join, I’m going to focus on reading the books I already have. 

My Library 09/17/23

As you can see, my library is quite large. I have 1,825 books in my house, but I’ve only read 797 of them. This does not include ebooks or the books in my classroom library, which may turn into separate reading projects. My plan, which I’m sharing for accountability purposes, is to go shelf by shelf, selecting one unread book to read in place of what I’d be reading for book clubs. I’d love to be able to be at 50% by the end of the school year! 

Another goal I have is to write more, so I’ll be chronicling this process and sharing more reviews of what I read. 

Stay tuned for the ridiculousness that is my library!