This was a fantastic year for reading! I read 265 books, which is more than I’ve ever read in a year. I can’t get too excited because around forty of the books I read were picture books I checked out of the library for a banned books activity. My overall page count was less than 2021 and 2022, so while I read more books, my total reading volume was less.
My main goal for 2023 was to write more reviews. I wrote three, which is three more than I’ve written in the past, so I suppose I met the goal. My intent, however, was to review all of the books I received as part of the Graywolf Galley Club, but that didn’t happen. I reviewed one Graywolf Galley Club book (I’m a Fan by Sheena Patel), one I found on Netgalley (Winter Harvest by Ioanna Papadopoulou), and another (Verified by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg) because it was amazing and I ended up receiving it pre-release. My goal for 2024 is to review more, especially the Graywolf Galley Club picks. I’ll start the first one of the year tomorrow.
My other goal was to read more of the books I own, and I did work on that. My bookshelf challenge is helping. Fifty-three of the books I read this year are ones from my shelves, but I need to do better. I’ve joined a number of reading challenges and I plan to prioritize the books I already own. This will help guide my bookshelf challenge pics, and shift my focus to the books that have been languishing on my shelves. There are so many books I bought because I was excited to read them, but had to put them aside because life and/or other reading obligations got in the way. There’s no reason why there are unread Nnedi Okorafor and N. K. Jemisin books on my shelves!
In general, my goal for 2024 is to do what I want, so I’ll be focusing on reading what I want. Obviously, I bought all these books because I wanted to read them, so I will make what’s on my shelves my top priority. I also want to write more, so I plan to read more critically and deliberately if it’s a book I want to review. I have no desire to push myself to read more books in 2024. I just want to read well.
I’ll close with my favorite books of 2023! Happy New Year!