I know better than to assume that because I teach mostly seniors, a book aimed at middle school won’t be helpful to me. While I might not use all of the poems included in this book, I’ll definitely be able to modify and use the activities and writing exercises when I’m teaching poetry. The authors also include resources, including places to find poetry to use in the classroom and places students can publish their work. This book would be perfect if you teach upper elementary or middle school, but high school teachers would find value in it as well.
One of my goals has been to move to a gradeless, process driven approach to assessment. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions and plans, unexpected challenges and barriers have forced me to pull back and return to a more traditional approach, which has been extremely frustrating. Even more disappointing has been that my students were always intrigued by the shift when I explained to them how grades would be determined. There was skepticism, but I framed it as an experiment and a process that we’d be working to refine along the way. I’m hoping that I’m able to make it work this year, since I know what kept me from success last year and those barriers either won’t exist this year or won’t surprise me when they pop up. Looking back, I realize I was doing too much and I should have started small. This year, I’ll be focusing on going gradeless with writing and Reimagining Writing Assessment: From Scales to Stories by Maja Wilson will help me on this journey.
I’ve always been uncomfortable with rubrics because they are so confining and rarely capture a writer’s strengths and areas for growth accurately. Plus, they limit creativity and get in the way of risk taking. Reimagining Writing Assessment builds on Wilson’s earlier work in Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessment (which I own, but have not read) and encourages writing teachers to move away from rubrics and other standardized forms of writing assessment and let the story of a writer’s process unfold. Wilson provides research, tools, and narratives of how this has worked in her own practice and it’s clear that so much of the push to make writing assessment faster and easier for teachers, dehumanizes the process and fails to serve student writers. Feedback is important but when feedback consists of boxes checked on a rubric or canned comments from a curated bank, how is that helpful for students? How often do they use that feedback to grow as a writer? Listening to students, allowing time for reflection, and providing meaningful feedback through conferencing builds stronger relationships and leads to “growth in the right direction.” I loved how Wilson framed reading a student’s work as reading for the experience instead of reading to assess: “[W]hen an expert adopts a beginner’s mind and tells the story of her experience, the result is to open up experience rather than close it down. It also makes the process of evaluation more transparent. . . . If we tell the story of our experience of reading, then students are more likely to form useful understandings about how writing and reading work” (pg. 97). I will be thinking about this and revisiting Reimagining Writing Assessment often as I plan my first writing units and how I will approach teaching writing over the next few weeks.
I don’t teach AP, but I wanted to read this because some of my juniors choose to take AP, and I want to make sure I’m getting them ready. I also know that the authors are pretty amazing, and I figured reading this would be extremely helpful for the classes I’m currently teaching. I was more than correct. This text is primarily for students preparing to take the exam, so the explanations of how to analyze literary texts and the examples provided are extremely clear and will serve as good models for me as I teach literary analysis and writing about texts. Also valuable was the chapter on close reading skills because my students struggle when it comes to reading and analyzing fiction and poetry. My district focuses most of our close reading requirements on nonfiction texts, and fiction and poetry require different close reading skills. I’m looking forward to revamping my literary analysis lessons with this book by my side! This will help me help my students become stronger readers and writers!
I’m so grateful for the work Alex Shevrin Venet has done and the positive impact it has had on my teaching and my life. I read and loved Equity Centered Trauma Informed Instruction, and was fortunate to be part of her Nurturing the Nurturers online space. I’m extremely aware of how trauma impacts how I move through the world, and I’ve read extensively to both understand trauma and work toward healing. In Becoming an Everyday Changemaker, Venet gives one of the best explanations of trauma I’ve ever read and provides methods for and examples of how to make positive changes in educational systems in trauma informed ways. It has always been obvious to me that my own trauma shows up in how I navigate situations in my classroom and at school in general, and now I have a deeper understanding of how I can approach those situations in ways that are healthier for myself and those around me. There are also valuable ideas I can incorporate into my teaching and classroom management, especially when I address binary thinking and introduce both/and. Most importantly, I value any text that encourages slowing down. This is something I’m working on in every aspect of my life, and I need to practice it more in my classroom. I’ll be sitting with this book as I begin to envision what I want my classroom environment to look like, and remembering what I’ve learned as I navigate a school year that’s sure to be full of changes.
I decided to read The Origin of Others by Toni Morrison because I needed wisdom to ground me in this time of chaos. Morrison’s nonfiction is always relevant and it pushes me into deeper understandings of the world around me. Playing in the Dark is one of the most important books I’ve read, and The Origin of Others, which is based on her Norton Lectures, builds on some of the ideas in Playing in the Dark. As an English teacher, I love reading literary analysis, especially when that analysis challenges interpretations of the canon. Morrison helps me view texts through the lens of race, and in this text, the broader concept of othering. My goal is to teach more works by Morrison this year, especially “Recatitif.”
Now for shelf #26!
I will be reading all the books by Nnedi Okorafor that I haven’t read yet. I’m proud to say that the only reason some of her books are unread is because I turned one of my students into a fan, and I let her borrow all of them! She read through all the books in my classroom library, and then the ones on my personal shelf.
Books I’ve read:
Haruki Murakami Kafka on the Shore
Haruki Murakami Men Without Women
Vladimir Nabokov Lolita
Sequoia Nagamatsu How High We Go in the Dark
Solomon Northrup 12 Years a Slave
Omolola Ijeoma Ogunyemi Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions: A Novel in Interlocking Stories
I was a little disappointed in Trapeze. Maybe I should hold off judgment and just read the sequel, since the ending is what I had a problem with, and the reviews for that are better. While I enjoy Mawer’s writing, I thought the main character, Marian, was a little flat and I found myself asking what Mawer was getting at with some of her decisions. Considering that Mawer wrote one of my favorite books ever (The Fall), I may be holding him to a ridiculously high standard.
Moving on to shelf #25!
Arthur Miller. I had him up on a pedestal until I learned more about his personal life and how he treated his son Daniel. I used to teach The Crucible, and I used Miller as an example to discuss the idea of separating the art from the artist, which I have a hard time doing. When I find out an author has done reprehensible things or made dehumanizing comments, I’m unable to put that out of mind as I’m reading, and I’ll often remove the books from my shelves so I’m not forced to think about how disappointed and/or angry I am. I’m faced with this again since one of my favorite authors has been accused of sexual assault. I take comfort in that there are so many other authors out there, and if I have to move on, I have options. It’s a lot to process.
That said, I’ll probably read The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monáe or something by Toni Morrison, even though that will put me closer to reading everything she’s written.
Discussions of race and racism can be unpredictable and difficult to navigate, but that doesn’t mean that we can shy away from them or shut them down. Letting Go of Literary Whiteness: Antiracist Literature Instruction for White Students by Carlin Borsheim-Black and Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides addresses the fears and concerns teachers may have and provides concrete methods for navigating discussion of race in the classroom. One of the strengths of this text is that the authors provide examples of real classroom discussions that they then unpack to see where the teacher could have navigated the situation more effectively or point out where the teacher was successful when students became heated. They also provide a framework utilizing backward design to develop units for students to increase racial literacy, because in some texts, it’s difficult to know where to start. Using commonly taught works, like A Raisin in the Sun, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Crossover, and One Crazy Summer, Borsheim-Black and Sarigianides explain how to use a Critical Race Theory lens for literary analysis, planning for discussions involving race, exposing Whiteness and White supremacy, and designing assignments to build racial literacy.
I also think it’s important to acknowledge that while this text focuses on instruction for White students, the authors also address the reality that most teachers do not have homogeneous racial groupings in their classes and that they need to think about how their curriculum and instructional choices impact BIPOC students. The authors offer concrete ways to address this, as well.
With the courses I’m teaching, I can’t shy away from discussions of race, and I wish I had read this book earlier in my career. I’ve had moments in my classroom where I’ve struggled and situations that I didn’t feel equipped to handle. While I know I’ll never be able to predict the way a discussion will go, after reading this, I feel like I have a more concrete way to plan units, analyze the texts I teach, design assignments, and prepare for discussions.
I’m reading faster than I can post, and I’m not going to complain about that. The Association of Small Bombs was good, and I see why it was nominated for and won so many awards. The writing was brilliant and the content was thought provoking. I probably should have spent more time with it, but June was a bit chaotic.
When I got to shelf #23, I decided to read The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios by Yann Martel. I include “We Ate the Children Last” as an option for students to read for the literary analysis essay, so I had an idea of what I might be getting myself into with this collection of early short stories. I felt like I was reading art. Martel is a brilliant writer, and now I want to read Life of Pi again.
Books I’ve read:
David Mamet Jafsie and John Henry: Essays
Yann Martel Life of Pi
George R. R. Martin A Game of Thrones
George R. R. Martin A Feast for Crows
George R. R. Martin A Storm of Swords
George R. R. Martin A Clash of Kings
George R. R. Martin A Dance of Dragons
Now for shelf #24!
The Fall by Simon Mawer is one of my favorite books of all time, so choosing a book from this shelf was easy. I started reading Trapeze today.
My second summer PD book was Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity by Dr. Erica Buchanan-Rivera, which made me think critically about my classroom space. While I generally receive positive feedback from students about my classroom environment and teaching, I know there are areas where I can improve and challenges I need to overcome that may not be obvious to my students. What I learned while reading this book will help me in many ways. Dr. Buchanan-Rivera provides extensive background information on why identity affirming spaces are important and she includes concrete methods for developing them. I was especially grateful for more resources to refine and improve the materials I use when discussing identity with my students and elements to take into account when organizing my classroom’s physical space.
I wonder if some of the issues I had with classroom discussion and student engagement could stem from the physical arrangement of my room. I need to figure out creative ways to incorporate conferencing with students and carve out time for community building. This book reminded me how important those things are. My biggest barrier is the combination of large classes and forty minute class periods. When I had smaller classes, conferences and community building were much easier, but I can’t allow them to fall by the wayside just because I sometimes have almost thirty students in my room.
This is another text I would highly recommend to any teacher regardless of the subject or grade level. We all need to design spaces where students feel valued and safe, and Dr. Buchanan-Rivera addresses every element we need to consider including physical space, classroom materials, and ensuring students feel safe, valued, and supported.
My mind works best in the early morning, so an important part of my summer routine is morning reading, planning, and writing. I usually start off by reading a chapter in a professional development text and then think about what I can incorporate into my plans for the next year. Sometimes this leads to bursts of creative lesson planning genius, like this morning as I was finishing Literacy for All: A Framework for Anti-Oppressive Teaching, by Shawna Coppola. While the entire text was beneficial to me, a few ideas provided serious nudges. I found myself completely revamping the way I approach identity and identity webs, thinking about how and where I can incorporate multimodality, and asking myself how I can conceptualize literacy as both a tool for liberation and for oppression. I’ve been working on updating my unit on Things Fall Apart, so the timing of reading this book was perfect. One thing I loved about this Literacy for All was how Coppola cited works that I know well, but made me think about them and how I can apply the knowledge contained within them in new ways. And then there were all the new resources combined with Coppola’s own experience and wisdom that made me want to learn more and continue to revise my units and lessons.
This book set the bar extremely high for my summer professional reading, and I HIGHLY recommend it for any educator.