I vividly remember how captivated I was the first time I read Imani Perry’s writing. I picked up a copy of Breathe: A Letter to My Sons to read before she came to speak at our local book festival. I must have read the first page at least ten times because I couldn’t get enough of how she commanded language and ideas. I felt the same way while reading Black in Blues: How a Color Tells the Story of My People, which is both a meditation on the significance of the color blue to Black life and culture and a journey through history. I’ve often wondered why we typically study various histories in isolation instead of zooming out to see a global perspective, and Perry’s book shows exactly why it’s much more interesting and beneficial to look at history holistically. I was fascinated by how often the color blue figured prominently in Black history from early indigo trading to Blues music. I can only imagine the meticulous research that went into a project like this, and how it must have felt to travel through so many stories of both joy and heartbreak. As Perry states, “There is no single Black essence. There is no fundamental way of being Black,” and she shows that using various shades and iterations of the color blue.
To me, the importance of this book is captured in one of the final chapters, “Seeing the Seventh Son,” where Perry writes about the importance of haunting the past: “We haunt the past to refuse to let it lie comfortably as it was. We give back to them [the ancestors] in return for the inheritances they have bestowed upon us.” As I continue to see teaching history and literature under attack and stories of marginalized groups banned or otherwise silenced, haunting the past is increasingly important for us all. Black in Blues shows the importance of beauty, art, music, and joy in the face of oppression, because that is how humanity survives. Perry writes that her goal was to “attend to what these artists teach, in sound and color, about the human condition,” and she does just that. She goes on to write that “[c]onjurers survive conquerors.” Though it is painful and disheartening, the current political climate in the United States is not new or unique. Black in Blues tells a story of Blackness through its link to the color blue that highlights both hope and pain and details a complex history that is vital to understanding the world today.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins/Ecco for the ARC.